On Thursday last week Reception and Year 1 welcomed Vicki, a paramedic into school. She came to talk to us about her job. She helps lots of people every day who are feeling ill. She is called out by people who ring 999 and goes to see them in the ambulance. Sometimes she has to take the patient to hospital to help them recover. Thank you to Vicki for taking the time to tell us about her important job.

This week Mrs Pickard from the school office talked to Reception about her job at the school. She told us that the most important part of her job is to make sure we are all safe and that we are at school. We know that we have to be at school every day to be able to learn. We found out that lots of the things we learn at school help Mrs Pickard in her job, like maths and writing. Thank you to Mrs Pickard for talking to us.

- Mrs Kent and Reception Class